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State Board Approves Claims for Families of Fallen Offices

BATON ROUGE, LA – The Law Enforcement Officers and Firemen’s Survivor Benefit Review Board today approved benefits for the families of the Baton Rouge law enforcement officers who were killed in the July 17th shooting.

The claims for Deputy Brad Garafola, Officer Matt Gerald, and Officer Montrell Jackson were passed unanimously by the board’s members: Attorney General Jeff Landry, Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera, State Fire Marshal Butch Browning, and State Risk Director Bud Thompson. “

While there is so much we still do not know, we do know this: three law enforcement officers lost their lives at the hands of a disgusting individual who selectively targeted those who work every day to keep our families and our communities safe,” said General Landry. “Three of Baton Rouge’s finest were murdered while attempting to carry out their jobs. They got up, went to work, and never made it home.”

“Three women who were wives on the morning of July 17th are now widows. Seven children who had loving fathers on the morning of July 17th now do not,” added General Landry. “Our State owes these families for their great sacrifice, which is why I called this special meeting to quickly get them some financial help.”

Pending receipt of all documents required by statute and the rules promulgated by the Board, payment may be issued– $250,000 to the surviving spouse and $25,000 for each dependent child.

"This board was created with the intention to help the grieving families of our fallen heroes,” concluded General Landry. “As Chair, I will continue to do all that I legally can to ensure that the proper assistance gets to these families as quickly as possible.”


For more information about the board and the benefits, please see Revised Statute 40:1665 - 40:1665.3 at